Line Maker is a plugin for creating and animating decorative lines on websites. This plugin shows easy way for adding all kinds of lines with different thicknesses and colors, in vertical or horizontal direction, and animate them.
Choreographer.js is a simple library to take care of complicated animations.
An experimental letter animation made with SVG and anime.js based on the Dribbble shot "Shading Letters in Illustrator".
Granim.js is a lightweight javascript library to create fluid and interactive gradients animations.
A tutorial about creating animated stacked bar charts with D3.js
This animated chart is an interactive and graphically in line with the rest of the UI.
Scrollanim is a CSS3 and JavaScript library to create stunning scroll animations that work everywhere.
It's open-source (MIT), free and easy to use.
A tutorial about creating animated Olympic Rings by using javascript and CSS.
Triggers classes on html elements based on the scroll position. It makes use of requestAnimationFrame so it doesn't jack the users scroll, that way the user / browser keeps their original scroll behaviour.
Anime is a flexible yet lightweight JavaScript animation library. It works with CSS, Individual Transforms, SVG, DOM attributes and JS Objects.
AOS is a small library that allows you to animate elements as you scroll down, and up.
If you scroll back to top, element will animate to it's previous state and is ready to animate again if you scroll down.
bringins is a jQuery plugin to show contents on a webpage as an animated page. These page will be positioned 'fixed' with scrollable data.
A library of animated transition effects, powered by CSS Animations and jQuery.
mFancyTitle is the jQuery plugin that lets you animate your document <title>
& favicon easily with style.
animateClick is a jQuery plugin that allows you to create animations on mouse click. animateClick comes with 5 animations to enhance your button clicks or clicks on any element in your webpage.
A tutorial on how to create a loading spinner made with inscribed polygons and animated with Rebound spring motion.