ZingTouch is a modern JavaScript touch gesture library. ZingTouch allows developers to configure pre-existing gestures and even create their own using ZingTouch's life cycle
isMobile is a simple javascript library that detects mobile devices.
AlloyFinger is a super tiny size multi-touch gestures library for the web.
Hover on Touch is a javascript plugin for an alternative hover function on mobile devices. It shows secondary information on Taphold & goes to a link on Tap.
TouchSlider is a lightweight javascript component to create sliding effect for mobile and PC.
A tutorial about creating social share buttons for your mobile website by using jQuery, HTML5 and CSS. It also support share via WhatsApp.
A tutorial about creating responsive iOS9 iMessage interface by using jQuery, CSS and Html5.
Pressure is a JavaScript library that makes dealing with Apple's Force Touch and 3D Touch simple.
Force Touch for new Macs and 3D Touch for the new iPhone 6s and 6s Plus, all bundled under one roof with a simple API that makes working with them painless.
An open-mobile-menu hamburger that turns into close-mobile-menu button with a not-the-same-as-always animation but a quite discreet another one.
Device.js makes it easy to write conditional CSS and/or JavaScript based on device operating system (iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows, Firefox OS, MeeGo, AppleTV, etc), orientation (Portrait vs. Landscape), and type (Tablet vs. Mobile)
A collection of mobile event plugins for jQuery.
This is a series of plugins that create additional events that can be used in combination with jQuery when developing for mobile devices. The events are also compatible with desktop browsers to ensure ultimate compatibility for your projects
A few examples of the page transitions available in jQuery Mobile. Use the back button (after you've seen a transition) to see how jQuery Mobile automatically applies the animation in the reverse for the "out" animation.
nippleJS is a javascript library to create virtual joystick for touch capable interfaces.
TouchPoint.js is a tiny JavaScript library made for in-browser HTML prototyping that visually shows where the user clicks/taps on-screen using CSS3 transforms and transitions.
TouchPoint is highly customizable, mobile ready and great for screencasting, screen recording, user testing and presentations.
Reponsive multi level menu navigation that has been optimized for mobile devices using HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery.