htmx is a javascript library that allows you to access AJAX, WebSockets and Server Sent Events directly in HTML, using attributes. It is small (~7k min.gz'd), dependency-free, extendable & IE11 compatible.
BotUI is a javascript framework to create conversational UIs.
Collect.js is a convenient and dependency free wrapper for working with arrays and objects.
LineProgressbar is a lightweight and customisable jQuery progressbar plugin. It's under MIT licence.
bookmarks.public allows you to save your bookmarks under revision control, via a simple combination of HTML, CSS & Javascript.
Store.js is a localStorage wrapper for all browsers without using cookies or flash. Uses localStorage, globalStorage, and userData behavior under the hood.
QArt.js is a javascript library that merges pictures and QR codes for artistic QR codes. It can be used as React component, Angular.js directive and Vue.js directive.
enquire.js is a lightweight, pure javascript library for programmatically responding to media queries.
jQuery.appear is a jQuery plugin for tracking element's appearance in browser viewport. It's licensed under MIT license.
Software engineering principles, from Robert C. Martin's book Clean Code, adapted for JavaScript. This is not a style guide. It's a guide to producing readable, reusable, and refactorable software in JavaScript.
VisitorParser.js is a lightweight javascript-based to analyze visitors with user-agent & ip geo location parser.
pixelmatch is the smallest, simplest and fastest JavaScript pixel-level image comparison library, originally created to compare screenshots in tests.
UAParser.js is a JavaScript-based User-Agent string parser. Supports browser & node.js environment. Also available as jQuery/Zepto plugin, Bower/Meteor package, & RequireJS/AMD module.
jqGifPreview is a jQuery plugin tocreate GIF preview just like Facebook. This plugin use first frame of GIF image as preview image.
Fuse.js is a lightweight fuzzy-search in JavaScript with zero dependencies.