Notify Better is a jQuery plugin that let you change your favicon, browser's title and more to reflect new notifications.
Fancytree is a JavaScript dynamic tree view plugin for jQuery with support for persistence, keyboard, checkboxes, tables, drag'n'drop, and lazy loading.
Trip.js is a jQuery plugin that can help you customize a tutorial trip easily with more flexibilities.
Loadie.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin to create a preloader that doesn't suck.
NProgress.js a nanoscopic progress bar inspired by Google & YouTube. Featuring realistic trickle animations to convince your users that something is happening!
jQuery idleTimer Plugin fires a custom event when the user is "idle". Idle is defined by not...
Echo.js is a simple image lazy loading library, it's less than 1KB minified.
Lazy-loading works by only loading the assets needed when the elements 'would' be in view, which it'll get from the server for you upon request, which is automated by simply changing the image src attribute.
Taggd is a jQuery plugin that help you create tags on images with, or without a popup!
jQuery Upvote is a plugin that generates a voting widget like the one used on Stack Exchange sites.
jQuery Splitter is plugin that split your content with movable splitter between them.
jPaginator is a jQuery plugin for pagination. It's fun, intuitive, it comes with a slider and you can ask for an unlimited number of pages.
Stacks is a jQuery plugin to create iOS list-style headers. Recreates the effect from iOS contact lists etc. When you scroll down a page, the section header scrolls down with you, until you hit the next content header, which follows you from that point.
jQuery TourBus is a jQuery tour/walkthrough plugin. It takes more of a toolkit approach than some of the alternatives that try to have focusing elements, auto-progress with timers and indicators and etc.
jQuery colorpicker with themeroller styling, RGB, HSL, CMYK and L*A*B support. Standard look & feel, configurable layout. Works as a popup or inline.
WhatWeather is a jQuery plugin which provides weather's data. It uses API to get, parse and deliver data in order to create weather's widgets. WhatWeather provides data and let you manage the display also you can easely change the template of your widgets.