Horwheel is a component to scroll horizontally with mouse wheel. It's cross-browser compatible.
smoothState.js is a jQuery plugin that progressively enhances website page loads to behave more like a single-page application.
jQuery.positionSticky is a sticky positioning polyfill for jQuery. Support for display and float properties example and sidebar example included.
Retain your scroll position between pages using an iframe. Especially helpful for infinite scrolling views.
scrollFrame will hijack the user's click for elements that match the query selector you pass in and instead of reloading the page it will append a modal-like iframe that sits on top of your viewport and points to the element's href. It then uses HTML5 history APIs to make the back-button function as expected.
Smoove makes it easy to implement awesome CSS3 transition effects, making your content smoothly glide into the page as your scroll down the page.
jQuery One Page Nav is a lightweight jQuery plugin for the navigation on one-page sites.
Adds smooth scrolling when clicking on the navigation and automatically selects the correct navigation items as you are scrolling through the different sections.
Animated scrollTo is a a simple function for animating scroll.
jQuery Section Menu plugin creates a side menu that allows you to scroll to the different sections on the page.
ScrollUpBar is a jQuery plugin that hides the top bar when scrolling down, and show it when scrolling up. It's specially useful on mobile interfaces to save some precious space.
Dragdealer is a drag-based JavaScript component that can be used as a slider content scroller, image carousel and much more.
gridscrolling.js is a jQuery plugin that layouts HTML5 articles, positioning sections and asides in a grid, allowing easy navigation with cursor keys.
An animated progress bar that updates the progress based on how far scrolled you are into a content section.
Skrollr is a stand-alone parallax scrolling javascript library for mobile (Android + iOS) and desktop.
An extension for Bootstrap's fixed navbar which hides the navbar while the page is scrolling downwards and shows it the other way
Scrollify is a jQuery plugin that assists scrolling and smoothly snaps to sections. Fully configurable and optimised for touch.