Sticky Navigation Menu with Smooth Scrolling is a basically a template with couple of features like that are invoked on scroll, shrink header, addition of drop shadow.
Smooth scroll feature is also added to logo(scroll top top) and smooth scroll to section on clicking menu item.
Sal.js (Scroll Animation Library) is a performance focused, lightweight scroll animation library, written in vanilla JavaScript. It's based on the Intersection Observer.
Lazyestload.js is a tiny javascript library to load images only when they are in the viewport (lazy load).
An article about how to create nifty physics-based background scroll effects for your web pages. Matter.js, an excellent open-source JavaScript framework is used to handle the physics.
FakeScroll is a lightweight vanilla script for creating nice looking custom scrollbar.
Priority Nav Scroller is a plugin for the priority+ navigation pattern. When the navigation items don’t fit on screen they are hidden in a horizontal scrollable container with controls.
ScrollHint is a JavaScript library to suggest that the elements are scrollable horizontally, with the pointer icon.
ScrollBooster is a lightweight and enjoyable content drag-to-scroll library. It can be used in table, images and any other content.
Scrolling Letters Animation is a switching title effect where a fixed text element changes with an animation depending on the scroll position by using CSS and anime.js
basicScroll is a standalone parallax scrolling library with CSS variables inspired by skrollr. basicScroll lets you to change CSS variables depending on the scroll position.
Progress Nav is an animated progress bar that highlights sections of a page that are currently in view.
Navigation bar that sticks as you scroll, animating a slider which indicates the page section you are currently looking at. Written with SCSS, Javascript, and jQuery.
Scrollama is a modern & lightweight JavaScript library for scrollytelling using Intersection Observer in favor of scroll events.
Emergence.js is a lightweight, high-performance javascript plugin for detecting and manipulating elements in the browser.
Marquee3000 is a super smooth and versatile javascript plugin to create creating marquees - auto scrolling ticker texts with no dependencies.