Socialite provides a very easy way to implement and activate a plethora of social sharing buttons — any time you wish.
On document load, on article hover, on any event! Socialite won't cause document rendering to hang while waiting for 50kb of social media.
Tipsy is a jQuery plugin for creating a Facebook-like tooltips effect based on an anchor tag's title attribute.
A simple, powerful and elegant Social jQuery Plugin to display your social links. The plugin can be highly customized through 10+ options.
jQuery Pinterest Pin It Plugin looks for all images, and wrap it inside a container that come with a pinterest Pin it button. So, your visitor just have to hover above the image they want, and pin it straight away. It's a simple plugin.
A simple but powerful jQuery plugin to add Facebook like box style widget for Twitter. Enough options are available to customize the twitter follow box widget to match your site design.
A simple jQuery plugin to show a list of Instagram photos.
Sharrre is a jQuery plugin that allows you to create nice widgets sharing for Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Digg and Delicious and more. The plugin calls the social buttons on demand which is great for minimizing the number of initial requests and improving loading speeds.
This is a simple jQuery plugin that helps you add the Facebook Javascript SDK to your site asynchronously. It also allows you to to use jQuery events to run code before and after the Facebook's code is initialized.
Hovercard is a jQuery plugin that enables you to display related information with the hovered label, link, or any html element of your choice. Hovercard now comes with built in Twitter ansd Facebook cards.
jTweetsAnywhere is a jQuery Twitter Widget with @Anywhere support that simplifies the integration of Twitter services into any website.
With just a few lines of Javascript you can display tweets from users’ feeds and users’ lists, show results from a Twitter search, integrate a customizable TweetBox, let your visitors follow you directly from your site and handle secure authentication with Twitter.
zTwitterFeed plugin will read Twitter tweets from a given user name. It produces structured HTML with in-built CSS classes for styling. Simple and easy to use.
jTwitter jQuery Twitter API Plugin provides you with an easy Twitter API to access Twitter user information by twitter username.