Smallipop is a customizable jQuery plugin for displaying tooltips.
Toolbar allows you to quickly create tooltip style toolbars for use in web applications and websites. The toolbar is easily customisable using the Twitter Bootstrap icons and provides flexability around the toolbars display and number of icons.
Balloon is a jQuery plugin to add balloon tips to elements user-friendly, fine-tunable and without css and images.
DTooltip is a jQuery tooltip plugin that designed to be flexible and still very simple to use.
The main features are:
sBubble is a jQuery tooltip plugin which is totally based on CSS3 for shapes and animations. Yes no images used and no jQuery code used for animation. Plus some color themes are also provided.
wikiUp is a jQuery plugin to get Wikipedia descriptions of a word in tooltips.
clueTip plugin allows you to easily show a fancy tooltip when the user's mouse hovers over (or, optionally, clicks on) any element you designate in your script. If the element includes a title
attribute, its text becomes the heading of the clueTip.
Tipped allows you to easily create beautiful tooltips using the jQuery Javascript library.
Evolved from the popular Prototip library, Tipped takes tooltips to the next level by using HTML5 to give you full control over the look and feel of your tooltips.
Tooltipster is a lightweight jQuery plugin that enables you to easily create clean, HTML5 validated tooltips.
* Supports HTML tags inside the tooltip
* Lightweight and degradable
* Extremely flexible & fast to set up
* Easily styled with 100% CSS - no images needed
* Plays nicely with IE
Tipsy is a jQuery plugin for creating a Facebook-like tooltips effect based on an anchor tag's title attribute.
tooltipsy is a jQuery tooltip plugin that simply provide extremely efficient tooltip functionality. Tooltipsy gives you complete control over the CSS, animation, and position.
Simpletooltip is a jQuery plugin, thought to insert short tooltips to any element of your website more easily.
aToolTip is a simple jQuery tooltip.
Quick Facts
* Lightweight (only 4kb uncompressed)
* Easy to use Choice of fixed, on click or follow mouse tooltip
* Highly customizable
* Compatable with Firefox 2.5+, Safari, Opera, Chrome and Internet Explorer 6, 7 & 8
PowerTip features a very flexible design that is easy to customize, gives you a number of different ways to use the tooltips, has APIs for developers, and supports adding complex data to tooltips. It is being actively developed and maintained, and provides a very fluid user experience.
Colortip is a simple jQuery tooltip plugin. It is going to convert the title attributes of elements withing your page, into a series of colorful tooltips. Six color themes are available, so you can easily match it with the rest of your design.