mlens is a jQuery plugin that simplifies creating this magnifying glass functionality so much.
It has some parameters like the shape of the lens (circle or square), lens size and the options for customizing the border.
GSInnerZoom is a jQuery plugin that permit you to do an inner zoom or magnifier inside an image.
Cloud Zoom is a free jQuery image zoom plugin, a comparable alternative to products such as Magic Zoom. Compared to the popular jQZoom plugin, Cloud Zoom is smaller, has more features and more robust compatability across browsers.
Picbox is a lightweight (around 5KB) javascript image viewer based on the excellent Slimbox, and available using either the jQuery frameworks. It features automatic resizing and zooming of large images, allowing them to fit in the browser or be viewed at full size.
Also Picbox WordPress plugin is now available.
Fresco is a beautiful responsive lightbox that can be used to create stunning overlays that work great at any screen size, in all browsers on every device. To make things even more awesome Fresco comes with fullscreen zoom, retina-ready skins, Youtube and Vimeo integration for HTML5 video and a powerful Javascript API.
Mosaiqy is a jQuery plugin for viewing and zooming photo working on Opera 9+, Firefox 3.6+, Safari 3.2+, Chrome and IE7+. Photos are retrieved from a JSON/JSONP data structure and randomly moved inside the grid. All expensive animations are taken over by your GPU on recent browsers using CSS3 transitions, minimizing the CPU overhead.
jQuery Gantt Chart is a simple chart that implements gantt functionality as a jQuery plugin. Plugin uses AJAX to retrive JSON data and render them as Gantt chart with many features such as zooming or paging.
jQZoom is a javascript image magnifier built at the top of the popular jQuery javascript framework. jQzoom is easy to use script to magnify what you want.
Zoomy is a quick and easy plugin that will zoom into a picture.