A tutorial about creating some WebGL experiments where the viewer seemingly travels through a textured tunnel powered by Three.js
Ember Burger Menu is an off-canvas sidebar component with a collection of animations and styles using CSS transitions.
A set of grid loading animations for your inspiration. The idea is to show grid items with an interesting effect once they are loaded.
Masonry for the grid layout and anime.js for the animations used in this tutorial.
Foxholder is a pack of 15 unique placeholder animations created by using jQuery.
List of Features
An experimental tab-like navigation concept where a content area is opened with an animation once an item is clicked.
A couple of schematic, inspirational proof-of-concepts for how to show the search interface on a website using CSS animations and javascript.
There are 11 different examples of search effects that you will find it inspirational.
A tutorial about creating seamless animation between weather states, and some of animations break outside the container by using css and javascript.
Bootstrap Modal and Popover examples with animations by using Velocity.js
Here are animation types:
fadeIn, flipXIn, flipYIn, flipBounceXIn, flipBounceYIn, swoopIn, whirlIn, shrinkIn, expandIn, bounceIn, bounceUpIn, bounceDownIn, bounceLeftIn, bounceRightIn, slideUpIn, slideDownIn, slideLeftIn, slideRightIn, slideUpBigIn, slideDownBigIn, slideLeftBigIn, slideRightBigIn, perspectiveUpIn, perspectiveDownIn, perspectiveLeftIn, perspectiveRightIn, shake, tada, swing, bounce, flash, pulse
Zooming is a javascript library to create image zoom that makes sense.
AsciiMorph is a small stand alone javascript library for rendering ascii art and creations into elements, allowing for them to be changed out with a morphing transition.
KUTE.js is a minimal native Javascript animation engine with jQuery plugin and with most essential features for web developers, designers and animators, delivering easy to use methods to set up high performance, cross-browser animations. The focus is flexibility, performance and size.
Some ideas for hover animations with a fancy tilt effect by using CSS and javascript.
Force.js is a javascript library to animate elements and jump around on your page easily.
It has different easing functions and tries to use CSS-Transitions to animate elements.
A tutorial about creating set of inspirational letter animations for display typography effects and large headlines powered by anime.js
Line Maker is a plugin for creating and animating decorative lines on websites. This plugin shows easy way for adding all kinds of lines with different thicknesses and colors, in vertical or horizontal direction, and animate them.