Bootstrap Modal and Popover examples with animations by using Velocity.js
Here are animation types:
fadeIn, flipXIn, flipYIn, flipBounceXIn, flipBounceYIn, swoopIn, whirlIn, shrinkIn, expandIn, bounceIn, bounceUpIn, bounceDownIn, bounceLeftIn, bounceRightIn, slideUpIn, slideDownIn, slideLeftIn, slideRightIn, slideUpBigIn, slideDownBigIn, slideLeftBigIn, slideRightBigIn, perspectiveUpIn, perspectiveDownIn, perspectiveLeftIn, perspectiveRightIn, shake, tada, swing, bounce, flash, pulse
WaitingFor is a modal dialog with progress bar for Bootstrap.
eModal is a simple way to create modal dialogs using jQuery and Bootstrap.
You can use eModal to display a modal for alert, ajax, prompt, confirm or iframe.
Submodal is a jQuery plugin to add submodals to Bootstrap 3.x modals.