Monaco Editor is the code editor that powers VS Code. It is licensed under the MIT License and supports Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera.
whatsapp-web.js is a WhatsApp client library for NodeJS that connects through the WhatsApp Web browser app. It uses Puppeteer to run a real instance of Whatsapp Web to avoid getting blocked.
jsdom is a pure-JavaScript implementation of many web standards, notably the WHATWG DOM and HTML Standards, for use with Node.js. In general, the goal of the project is to emulate enough of a subset of a web browser to be useful for testing and scraping real-world web applications.
Faker.js is a project to generate massive amounts of realistic fake data in Node.js and the browser.
PDFKit is a PDF generation library for Node and the browser that makes creating complex, multi-page, printable documents easy.
The API embraces chainability, and includes both low level functions as well as abstractions for higher level functionality.
pdfmake is a PDF document generation library for server-side and client-side in pure JavaScript. pdfmake works in-browser, fully declarative and has powerful layout engine.
FlexSearch.js is a fastest and most memory-flexible full-text search library with zero dependencies. It also provides flexible search capabilities like multi-word matching, phonetic transformations or partial matching.
Brain.js is a JavaScript library for building Neural Networks in the browser and in Node.js
face-api.js is a JavaScript API for face recognition and face detection in the browser by using tensorflow.js
TensorFlow.js (tfjs) is a WebGL accelerated, open-source, browser based JavaScript library for training and deploying machine learning (ML) models.
Nano ID is a tiny, secure URL-friendly unique string ID generator for JavaScript.
Bowser is a javascript library for detecting browser.
With Bowser you can get browser information, device information (mobile/tablet), OS information (MAC, Windows, linux, iOS, Android, WindowsPhone etc.)
Store.js is a localStorage wrapper for all browsers without using cookies or flash. Uses localStorage, globalStorage, and userData behavior under the hood.
Uppy is (going to be) a JavaScript file uploader that fetches files from Dropbox, Instagram, local disk, remote URLs, and other exciting locations.
It has a plugin-based architecture, first-class support for resumable uploads according to the open standard: tus, and custom encoding backends, making it extensible and robust.
UAParser.js is a JavaScript-based User-Agent string parser. Supports browser & node.js environment. Also available as jQuery/Zepto plugin, Bower/Meteor package, & RequireJS/AMD module.