Monaco Editor is the code editor that powers VS Code. It is licensed under the MIT License and supports Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera.
diff2html generates pretty HTML diffs from git diff or unified diff output.
Each diff provides a comprehensive visualization of the code changes, helping developers identify problems and better understand the changes.
A jQuery plugin to help users to compare products side by side. You can add and remove products before final comparison.
A responsive table to compare and filter through multiple products by using css and jQuery. A time-saver comparison table, specifically designed for big online stores.
jQuery Sequency is a jQuery plugin for before/after image comparison on scroll.
TwentyTwenty is a jQuery plugin to compare images. If you need to highlight the differences between two images you can use this plugin.
A basic responsive product grid layout with comparison functionality and a slide-in effect.
before-after.js is a simple and responsive image comparison slider.