Flight is a lightweight, component-based, event-driven JavaScript framework that maps behavior to DOM nodes. It is created by Twitter.
Flight uses jQuery and requires a module loader with support for AMD, like WebPack or Require.js
wheelnav.js is an animated navigation menu component, a JavaScript library based on SVG. It can be a pie menu (radial menu, circular menu), tab navigation and more. The library comes with predefined CSS classes for easy styling and supports HTML5 data attributes for proper markup.
Zino UI is jQuery based, WAI-ARIA compatible, user interface framework consist of 25+ different components. Cross-platform user interface framework for you Web & Enterprise applications. It's free to use for your personal or non-profit website projects.
Notable features:
sco.js is javascript extensions for Twitter Bootstrap that is created to improve the existing Bootstrap components.
All plugins in sco.js can be used on a bootstrap-enabled site but they can be used separately as well. Also, sco.js contains plugins that are not available in bootstrap