ax5ui-menu is a simple context menu with jQuery. It can easily and powerfully use in subMenu of menuBar or ContextMenu.
basicContext is an easy-to-use context-menu for your website or webapp.
justContext is a simple styleable context menu plugin with pure javascript.
Our Context Menu is a quick solution for a customized lightweight context menu for your website built with jQuery.
nuContextMenu is a jQuery plugin to create modern context menu with Font Awesome support for web apps.
A context menu plugin for Bootstrap framework. It can be use via data attributes or via javascript.
A tutorial about creating good-looking context menu by using jQuery and css.
jQuery.UI-contextmenu is a jQuery plugin that turns a jQueryUI menu widget into a context menu.
element or definition listcontext.js is a lightweight solution for contextual menus. Currently, there are two versions.
The first is to be used with Twitter Bootstrap (bootstrap.css specifically). If you do not use or want to use bootstrap.css, there is a standalone stylesheet to give the menu it's base styles.
contextMenu.js is a plugin to create windows like context menu with keyboard ineteraction, different type of inputs, trigger events and much more.