Pointy Slider is a simple, responsive slider, with a sharp design and an interesting motion effect: with each new slide item, a sliding-in block of content covers the old one, and unveils a new image.
A widget containing a list of suggested articles, with a reading progress indicator powered by SVG, CSS and jQuery.
A tutorial about creating simple presentation template in CSS and jQuery.
Navigation can be with keyboard arrow keys or click or by scroll.
Horizontal Timeline is an easy to customize, horizontal timeline powered by CSS and jQuery.
A template for a simple page stack navigation by using CSS and jQuery.
A tutorial about creating portfolio template with expandable projects and a full-page navigationby using css and jQuery.
Jets.js is a javascript library to create native css search engine.
The main idea is not to affect attributes of each tag in the list while filtering. Instead apply dynamic CSS rule in only <style> tag and browser will decide which item of list to show or hide. Since it's just CSS - Jets.js may be applied to any tag, whether it's a table or UL, OL, DIV…
HoldOn.js is a jQuery plugin to create CSS UI blocker. It's useful to prevent that your user do something wrong while something in the background is executed.
A tutorial about creating custom select elements with unique style. It's created by using jQuery and CSS.
A tutorial about creating custom select box by using css and jQuery.
A tutorial about creating flat design accordion with as many nested levels as you need by using jQuery.
A tutorial about creating simple slider with jQuery and CSS.
A tutorial about creating handy snippet to let let users customize a product directly from the products gallery, and add it to the cart.
Select2 Bootstrap CSS is a simple css to make select2 widgets fit in with Bootstrap.
jQuery cForm replaces your standard, ugly form-elements with nice and clean non-form html code which can be styled via CSS. The original elements are retained, so you won't loose any form-element related functionality.