SweetDropdown is a jQuery plugin to create dropdowns in any direction with any kind of content.
vDrop is a minimalistic and customisable jQuery plugin to replace standard HTML select dropdowns.
Pretty Dropdowns is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin that converts <select>
drop-down menus into "pretty" menus that you can style using CSS. As an extra bonus, it does its best to keep the menu options within the viewport.
A morphing dropdown that animates according to the size of its content by using css and jQuery as seen on stripe.com website.
A tutorial about creating card deck style dropdown by using CSS3 transitions and jQuery.
Nice Select is a lightweight jQuery plugin that replaces native select elements with customizable dropdowns.
Bootstrap Chosen is an alternate stylesheet for Chosen. This one is supposed to integrate better with Bootstrap 3.0.
Dropy is a simple dropdown created by using SCSS and jQuery.
DropKick.js is a jQuery plugin for creating beautiful, graceful, and painless custom dropdowns.
Provides combobox as a Bootstrap component, based on dropdown (which is compatible down to IE7).
EasyDropDown is a jQuery plugin that effortlessly turns humble <select>
elements into styleable drop-down menus for use in forms or general UI/navigation.
Selectric is a jQuery plugin designed to help at stylizing and manipulating HTML selects.
A tutorial on how to create some nice custom drop-down lists with CSS and jQuery.
There are five examples with different looking drop-down menus and lists for various purposes.