Bootstrap FileStyle jQuery customization of input html file for Bootstrap. It's a quick and simple plugin to help style your form's file upload inputs.
ClockPicker is a clock-style timepicker for Bootstrap (or jQuery).
Labelmask is a way to create accessible input hinting without using input masks.
Labelmask inserts formatting hinting after the label, and updates as the user inputs their information. When the user leaves the field the formatting gets applied to the input value itself.
Provides combobox as a Bootstrap component, based on dropdown (which is compatible down to IE7).
Add Clear is a jQuery plugin that adds a input clearing button on any input you apply it to. It clears the value, and returns focus to that field.
Bootstrap Show Password is a jQuery plugin to show/hide password plugin for Bootstrap.
Treed wants to be for tree editing what ace is for text editing. Extensible, customizible, powerful, and just plain easy to use.
taggingJS is a jQuery plugin to create an high customizable front-end tag system. It is less than 2.5 kb and support major browsers in the world!
CheckRadios is a jQuery plugin that is designed to allow you to fully customize check boxes and radios without using standard images and with scalability in mind.
This plugin uses vector based icons/fonts to add in the ticks and circles which allows far greater customization as well as scalability and ultimately much greater control over the check boxes and radios using css.
Placeholdem is a JavaScript plugin that animates placeholder carets on inputs and textareas. The placeholder value will incrementally delete on focus, and restore on blur.
Selectonic is a jQuery based plugin for making any list of items selectable by mouse and keyboard. It could be usefull in web app where are different widgets like menus, dropdowns with keyboard input, lists with multiple selection and so on.
Interactive, accessible toggle switches for the web. Transform checkboxes into toggle switches.
Toggle switches made for the web are often solely constructed to change when clicked or tapped, animating side-to-side as they toggle.
gentleSelect is a jQuery plugin for transforming select boxes into a skinnable alternative. The selection list can be rendered with multiple columns/rows to present larger datasets in a more manageable format. It recognizes the multiple attribute on select boxes and does the right thing automatically.
jQuery Incrementer plugin extends an html input field which serves a number to be given. Handling validation and easy incrementing or decrementing of given value is provided.
Selectric is a jQuery plugin designed to help at stylizing and manipulating HTML selects.