multi.js is a user-friendly replacement for select boxes with the multiple attribute. It is mobile-friendly, easy to use, and provides search functionality. multi.js is also easy to customize and style with CSS.
vDrop is a minimalistic and customisable jQuery plugin to replace standard HTML select dropdowns.
Distpicker is a simple jQuery plugin for picking provinces, cities and districts of China.
Choices.js is a lightweight, configurable selectbox / text input plugin. Similar to Select2 and Selectize.
With Simple Select you can create custom styled select elements by using css and jQuery.
Zebra_Transform is a lightweight, cross-browser (with IE6 support) jQuery plugin for replacing checkboxes, radio buttons and select boxes.
Nice Select is a lightweight jQuery plugin that replaces native select elements with customizable dropdowns.
Quick[select] is a jQuery plugin for quick selection of common options in select boxes. Quick[select] uses the browser's native select list for its overflow, meaning it will work great on all devices.
A tutorial about creating custom select elements with unique style. It's created by using jQuery and CSS.
A tutorial about creating custom select box by using css and jQuery.
Bootstrap Chosen is an alternate stylesheet for Chosen. This one is supposed to integrate better with Bootstrap 3.0.
Select Multiple is an user-friendly drop-in replacement for the standard select with multiple attribute activated.
Combo Select is a jQuery plugin that converts a select box into a searchable and keyboard friendly interface. Fallbacks to native select on mobile and ipad devices.
Selectem is a javascriptplugin for custom select items dropdown.
Zelect is a jQuery plugin to create custom <select>