Sensei Grid is a simple data grid library written in JavaScript.
way.js is a simple, lightweight, persistent, framework-agnostic javascript library that allows you to bind DOM elements to an in-memory datastore.
jQuery Bootgrid is a nice, sleek and intuitive grid plugin especially designed for Bootstrap.
Datatable is a custom datatable plugin for jQuery, allowing pagination, filtering, ajax loading.
Columns is an easy way of creating JSON data into HTML tables that are sortable, searchable, and paginating. All you need is to provide the data, and Columns will do the rest.
Bootstrap Table displays data in a tabular format and offers rich support to radio, checkbox, sort, pagination and so on. It is both featherweight and feature-rich.
jQuery DataTables is a powerful plugin that can sort, page, and filter millions of records.
bs_grid is a jQuery Datagrid plugin, based on Bootstrap. Advanced row selection, sorting, pagination and filtering. Fully customizable, responsive web design, localization.
PourOver is a library for simple, fast filtering and sorting of large collections – think 100,000s of items – in the browser.
It allows you to build data-exploration apps and archives that run at 60fps, that don’t have to to wait for a database call to render query results.
Generic Data Binder (GDB) for jQuery is a framework agnostic and extremely easy to use 2 way data binder. GDB binds views and models in realtime with live two-way binding and no hefty framework necessary.
GDB is a simple to use, zero configuration (unless you want to), template engine and framework agnostic little plugin.
DTable is a data table plugin for jQuery. The plugin is highly customizable, It uses html template to generate the table and the whole plugin module based, so you can add new features easily.
Sheetrock is a jQuery plugin for querying, retrieving, and displaying data from Google Spreadsheets. Use it to load entire sheets or leverage SQL-like queries to treat Google Spreadsheets as a quick-and-dirty JSON datastore.
Find dates, times, emails, phone numbers, links, reading time, even the emotion of the text, or check if it's spam. Knwl.js makes it possible to scan through large amounts of text for data that may be of interest.
C3.js is a D3-based chart library that allows you to integrate charts into web applications more deeply.
D3.js is a JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data. D3 helps you bring data to life using HTML, SVG and CSS.
D3’s emphasis on web standards gives you the full capabilities of modern browsers without tying yourself to a proprietary framework, combining powerful visualization components and a data-driven approach to DOM manipulation.