SelectPage is a jQuery select plugin including ajax remote data, autocomplete, pagination, tags, i18n and keyboard navigation features.
Dropdown is a lightweight jQuery dropdown plugin that supports key/value search and has multiple selection option.
Dependent Dropdown is a jQuery plugin that enables to add and control multi level dependent dropdown lists. It works both with normal select options and select with optgroups as well.
Selectem is a javascriptplugin for custom select items dropdown.
Dropy is a simple dropdown created by using SCSS and jQuery.
A tutorial on how to create some nice custom drop-down lists with CSS and jQuery.
There are five examples with different looking drop-down menus and lists for various purposes.
Selecter is a jQuery plugin for replacing default select elements.
Replace those boring default select elements with something a little nicer. It plays nice with that shiny responsive layout.
jui_dropdown is a jquery plugin, provides a simple dropdown button menu (split button). jQuery UI themes compatible.
Selectik is jQuery plugin, easy use, cross-browser alternative to the standard select form element which can be customised with CSS.
SelectBoxIt allows you to replace ugly and hard to use HTML select boxes with gorgeous and feature rich drop downs. Twitter Bootstrap, jQueryUI and jQuery Mobile themes are supported right out of the box.
SelectBoxIt also provides first-class support for mobile, tablet, and desktop browsers, triggering the native "wheel" interface for mobile and tablet devices. is a jQuery plugin for super-flexible Dropdowns based on dot.js templates.
A jQuery plugin for transforming select inputs into drop-down lists with some simple expanding effects.
The idea is to transform a normal select input into something more appealing with a jQuery plugin. The expanding of the options will happen with a transition and parameters can be configured in a way to achieve unique effects.