EQCSS is a JavaScript plugin that lets you write element queries inside CSS.
BootstrapX Clickover provides a Bootstrap extension to allow popovers to be opened and closed with clicks on elements instead of hover or focus.
Ideal Image Slider is a simple slider that has just the right amount of features, with no bloat and be easy to extend so that more features can be added as "extensions".
A context menu plugin for Bootstrap framework. It can be use via data attributes or via javascript.
Fuel UX extends Bootstrap with additional lightweight JavaScript controls for your web applications. Easy to install, customize, update, and optimize. All functionality covered by live documentation and unit tests
jQuery.dragmove is a lightweight jQuery extension for enabling draggable functionality on DOM elements without requiring the jQuery UI library. Compatible with trackpads, touch devices, and standard computer mice.
jQuery Image Gallery is an extension to the Dialog component of jQuery UI, to ease navigation between a set of gallery images.
It features mouse and keyboard navigation, transition effects, fullscreen mode and slideshow functionality
Twitter Bootstrap - the popular front end framework for building websites and apps. It favors simple, responsive design, and comes bundled with a sensible default stylesheet, a number of useful jQuery plugins and an icon set. Although it doesn’t come with much else, Bootstrap is very extensible.
In this article, you will find a collection of 50 must-have plugins you should know about for effective development with the framework.
sco.js is javascript extensions for Twitter Bootstrap that is created to improve the existing Bootstrap components.
All plugins in sco.js can be used on a bootstrap-enabled site but they can be used separately as well. Also, sco.js contains plugins that are not available in bootstrap