Lena.js is a javascript library for image processing.
Current filters:
gaussian, grayscale, highpass, invert, laplacian, prewitt, rgb, roberts, saturation, sepia, sharpen, sobel, thresholding, lowpass 3x3, lowpass 5x5
Muuri creates responsive, sortable, filterable and draggable grid layouts with lots of features in one library. Comparing to what's out there Muuri is a combination of Packery, Masonry, Isotope and jQuery UI sortable.
sdFilterMe is a simple light-weight jQuery plugin to easily filter and order portfolio, articles, gallery, etc.
Philter is a jQuery plugin giving you the power to control CSS filters with HTML attributes.
A jQuery plugin with bootstrap to create filters rending out of the box for backoffice use.
A little slideshow with a color palette creation effect using CSS Filters and Vibrant.js. The idea is to create a color palette from an image with a subtle effect on the image itself and some fanciness on the palette
A tutorial about adding client side search filter to Bootstrap tables by using jQuery and CSS.
Content Filter is a slide-in filter panel powered by CSS and jQuery. It's easy to customize and integrate.
It takes advantage of CSS Transitions, CSS Transformations and jQuery muscles to smoothly slide in when needed.
QueryBuilder can be used on advanced search engine pages, administration backends, etc. to build complex queries or filters. It is highly customisable and can be used with many jQuery widgets like autocompleters and sliders.
It outputs a structured JSON of rules which can be easily parsed to create SQL/NoSQL/whatever queries. It can also directly create a SQL WHERE statement.
jQuery DataTables is a powerful plugin that can sort, page, and filter millions of records.
Autotab is a jQuery plugin that provides auto tabbing and filtering on text fields in a form.
Once the maximum number of characters has been reached within a text field, the focus is automatically set to a defined element. Likewise, clearing out the text field's content by pressing backspace eventually places the focus on a previous element.
PhotoJShop is a JavaScript photo editing library packaged in a simple jQuery plugin for photo editing using the canvas, aiming to reproduce most usual filters.
Shuffle is a jQuery plugin to categorize, sort, and filter a responsive grid of items
Vague.js is an experimental script that allows you to blur any kind of html element. Vague.js checks if the user’s device supports the CSS filters otherwise it can fallback using the SVG filters or the Microsoft css filters.