Sticky Sidebar is a pure JavaScript plugin for making smart and high performance sticky sidebar.
Fixit jQuery plugin can be used to fix the element at a certain position when the webpage is scrolled and the element is to be hidden, so that the element stay visible on the webpage.
Glues your website's sidebars (or any vertical column for that matter), making them permanently visible when scrolling up and down. Useful when a sidebar is too tall or too short compared to the rest of the content.
Stickybits is a lightweight alternative to position: sticky
polyfills that works perfectly for things like sticky headers.
MakeFixed.js is a jQuery plugin to dynamically set up elements to be fixed during scroll. It's lightweight and allows callback functions.
Freezeheader is a simple jQuery plugin to freeze header row in html table. It's also known as fixed header table.
A jQuery plugin to create sticky elements -- worrying how to keep your div
at position you want, want to create rules for it to stay & hide, jQuery-sticky-elements
is made just for you.
ScrollFix is a jQuery plugin for making an element fixed when it goes out of view.
Sticky Alert is a minimal jQuery plugin to add a sticky alert bar to the top of your website. It's available under the MIT license and is free for use on personal or even commercial projects.
Fixed Nav is a responsive, fixed and touch friendly one page navigation with animated scrolling.
StickyTableHeaders is a jQuery plugin that makes large tables more usable by having the table header stick to the top of the screen when scrolling.
stickUp is a simple jQuery plugin that allows you to designate an element or navigation menu which will stick to the top of the page once scrolled past, and will return to place when scrolled past the other way.
Sticky Sidebar is a jQuery plugin for sticky/fixed contents (headers, sidebars, footer, etc...)
ScrollToFixed is a jQuery plugin that used to fix elements on the page (top, bottom, anywhere); however, it still allows the element to continue to move left or right with the horizontal scroll.
Hachiko is a jQuery sticky plugin that allows a relatively positioned element to be stickied onto the screen when the element is scrolled outside of the viewport.
Instead of changing the position of the element on window scroll, this plugin creates a clone of the original element and set the clone to be fixed positioned so the original layout is always preserved.