jQuery WebFonts extension adds font embedding capability to jquery using the WebFonts technology. The extension provides a flexible way to choose font from a font repository and apply on html elements.
fontFlex is a lightweight jQuery plugin for dynamically changing font sizes according to screen / browser width. Intended to be used with responsive or adaptive CSS layouts.
FlowType.JS is a plugin for Responsive Web Typography at its finest: font-size and line-height based on element width.
FlowType.JS is changing the font-size—and subsequently the line-height based on a specific element's width. This allows for a perfect character count per line at any screen width.
FlowType.JS works just fine with Typekit, Cloud.Typography, Google Webfonts and any other services.
Font sizer is a highly configurable, unobtrusive jQuery plugin that allows users to adjust the font size of specific area(s) of text on your website. It's lightweight, easy to configure and adds a nice bit of functionality to your blog, forum or news site.