Gifffer is a tiny JavaScript library that prevents the autoplaying of the animated Gifs.
jQuery.eraser is a plugin that makes an image erasable with mouse or touch movements.
This plugin replaces the targeted image by an interactive canvas that can be erased using touch or mouse inputs. You can specify a callback for completion and set the brush size.
Shuffle Images let you display and shuffle multiple images by moving cursor around or several other ways to trigger. It can also be used to create an interactive animation on multiple static images at once.
RowGrid.js is a small, lightweight jQuery plugin for placing items in straight rows. It's responsive and can be use infinite scrolling.
Data Img is a tiny jQuery plugin to deal with responsive image delivery depending on screen width.
waitForImages is a jQuery plugin that lets you attach callbacks to useful image loading events. waitForImages also supports images referenced in CSS, such as the background-image
pixelate.js is a simple library and jQuery plugin to pixelate any set of images and optionally reveal them on hover.
Respify is a simple responsive images library, which parses a image from a set of child span nodes with data-media and data-src attributes. It uses media queries to select images.
picturefill is a responsive images approach that you can use today that mimics the proposed picture element using span
s, for safety sake. Picturefill works best in browsers that support CSS3 media queries
neatShow.js is a jQuery plugin to fade in images beautifully on your website.
When neatShow is applied to an image, it will wait until the image has finished downloading, then instantly fades it in regardless of other images or activity on the page. Works reliably with all images in any state, including downloading, download complete and cached.
Imager.js is an alternative solution to the issue of how to handle responsive image loading, created by developers at BBC News.
It's simple, which works and which is fast as well as network friendly (only download what you need, when you need it).
imgcolr is a jQuery plugin for grabbing the dominant color of a given image's borders. You can programmably adapt the elements' color on the webpage for the image after getting the color.
imagefill.js is jQuery plugin for making an image fill its container. It can be useful tool for responsive web design.
Unveil is a jQuery plugin which is lightweight version of Lazy Load plugin. Unveil has support for serving high-resolution images to devices with retina displays and it less than 1k<.