Siema is a lightweight carousel plugin with no dependencies and no styling. It is 100% open source - free to use on personal and commercial projects.
KUTE.js is a minimal native Javascript animation engine with jQuery plugin and with most essential features for web developers, designers and animators, delivering easy to use methods to set up high performance, cross-browser animations. The focus is flexibility, performance and size.
EasyFader is an ultralight fading slideshow plugin for responsive layouts by using jQuery.
Hover Carousel is a lightweight carousel which only moves left and right in relation to the mouse position inside it's area.
Background Blur plugin is an ultra small, cross browser jQuery plugin for blurring images.
pixelmatch is the smallest, simplest and fastest JavaScript pixel-level image comparison library, originally created to compare screenshots in tests.
UAParser.js is a JavaScript-based User-Agent string parser. Supports browser & node.js environment. Also available as jQuery/Zepto plugin, Bower/Meteor package, & RequireJS/AMD module.
Lettering.js is a lightweight, easy to use Javascript span
injector for radical Web Typography.
Fuse.js is a lightweight fuzzy-search in JavaScript with zero dependencies.
Progressively is a javascript library for loading images progressively. It’s written entirely in JavaScript and super small. It will load images on when user browse to the page, saving bandwidth & server requests.
JavaScript Cookie is a simple, lightweight JavaScript API for handling cookies.
Granim.js is a lightweight javascript library to create fluid and interactive gradients animations.
iziModal is an elegant, responsive, flexible and lightweight modal plugin with jQuery.
tinyDatePicker is a small date/time picker and calendar rendering module that provides a lot of hooks for developers to write calendars, agendas, booking systems, plugins, etc.
It has a lot of options and callbacks that make rendering of complex data easy.
flatpickr is a lightweight & powerful javascript datetimepicker. There are many options for customizing.