Pill is a tiny javascript library that adds dynamic content loading to static sites and makes content loading smooth for users.
P-Loading is a powerful jQuery plugin, for faster and easier web development, which allows you to have a main loading mask platform that is able to use many different spinners by installing P-Loading add-ons.
LineProgressbar is a lightweight and customisable jQuery progressbar plugin. It's under MIT licence.
jQuery LoadingOverlay is a flexible loading overlay jQuery plugin.
Prelodr is a simple material preloader inspired in Google Inbox.
Pilpil is a tiny, pure JavaScript library for Progressive Image Loading with a blur effect to reduce the page load time; as seen on Medium.
CircletPreloader is a lightweight jQuery plugin to create circular preloader animation.
HoldOn.js is a jQuery plugin to create CSS UI blocker. It's useful to prevent that your user do something wrong while something in the background is executed.
PleaseWait.js is a simple library to show your users a beautiful splash page while your application loads.
Ladda buttons concept for Bootstrap. Buttons with built-in loading indicators, effectively bridging the gap between action and feedback.
LoadGo is a jQuery plugin that allows you to create a progress bar by using your own images.
A tutorial on how to write a CSS3 progress bar and add some cool animation, along with a jQuery counter.
fakeLoader.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin that helps you create an animated spinner with a fullscreen loading mask to simulate the page preloading effect.
ProgressBar.js is a beautiful and responsive progress bars with animated SVG paths.
With ProgressBar.js, it's easy to create arbitrary shaped progress bars. This library provides a few built-in shapes like Line, Circle and Square but you can also create your own progress bars with Illustrator or any vector graphic editor.
Ladda is a javascript library to create buttons with built-in loading indicators , effectively bridging the gap between action and feedback.
Primarily intended for use with forms where it gives users immediate feedback upon submit rather than leaving them wondering while the browser does its thing.
Ladda can be use with both jQuery and javascript.