MUI (formerly Material-UI) is the React UI library that provides a robust, customizable, and accessible library of foundational and advanced components, enabling you to build your own design system and develop React applications faster.
datedropper is an easy to use date picker material UI. A datepicker jQuery plugin to create a modern, easy to use and customizable HTML calendar, designed with simplicity in mind so the default UI should blend into any layout.
material-table is a simple and powerful datatable for React, based on Material UI's table with some additional features.
A nice code snippet about creating material design expanding action button menu by using jQuery and css.
jQuery Tree plugin allows you to create tree structure using Bootstrap or Material Design styles. Free open source plugin distributed under MIT License.
A simple Bootstrap form wizard with jQuery and styled with Material Design.
A tutorial about jQuery UI datepicker implementation styled as a Google Material Designed widget.
A tutorial about creating Material Desing look audio player by using jQuery. jAudio.js as a jQuery plugin is also available.
A tutorial about creating responsive table in Material Design concept. You can use this table in Bootstrap projects, this will override basic Bootstrap style.
A simple and clean Material Design select created by using jQuery.
Prelodr is a simple material preloader inspired in Google Inbox.
Material Scroll Animation is an animation concept for scroll animation in material design.
Bootstrap 3 accordion redesigned to match Material Design concept with ability to add icons on show/hide with smooth transition by adding an active class to the panel heading on show/hide.
Slider Animation is a content slider with Material Design inspired animations and hover effects by using CSS and jQuery.
Material Photo Gallery is a javascript photo gallery plugin inspired by Google Photos.
There are three main processess that take place in this plugin. The first is detecting when the images are loaded, the second is the layout of the images, and the third is the animation of the images.