A tutorial about creating a simple multi-level menu with delayed item animations and an optional breadcrumb navigation and back button.
Reponsive multi level menu navigation that has been optimized for mobile devices using HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery.
Power List Menu is a mobile centric, mult-level menu that magically transforms a nested UL into a series of slide-in panels that occupy no more space than the top level UL itself.
It's ideal on mobile devices where the playground for drop down or flyout menus is limited. The menu supports lazy loading via Ajax of either a child or parent menu, so a portion of the menu can be downloaded only when requested.
SlickNav is a responsive mobile menu plugin for jQuery.
A tutorial about "Creating Google Play’s Multi-Level Navigation Menu".
This menu has smooth animation and let users peek at the root-level menu by simply hovering a back button. It's created with using HTML, CSS and jQuery.
An experimental push menu with multi-level functionality that allows endless nesting of navigation elements.
The result is a “push” menu that can (theoretically) contain infinite nested sub-menus. When opening a sub-level, the whole navigation pushes the content more, allowing a slice of the parent menu to be visible. Optionally, this slice can be visible or not, in which case the sub-menu will simply cover its parent.
slimMenu is a lightweight jQuery plugin, which is made to create responsive and multi-level navigation menus on the fly.
Navgoco is a simple jQuery plugin which turns a nested unordered list of links into a beautiful vertical multi-level sliding navigation with options to remember sub-menus visible state between sessions and act as an accordion.
A responsive multi-level menu that shows its submenus in their own context, allowing for a space-saving presentation and usage.
Each sub-level in this menu will be shown in its own context, making the “parent” level disappear. This is done with subtle animations that are defined in separate animation classes. The menu is fluid so that it can be used easily in a responsive layout.