A tutorial about creating Material Desing look audio player by using jQuery. jAudio.js as a jQuery plugin is also available.
APlayer is a beautiful HTML5 music player by using javascript. It has some options to customize.
AudioControls is a simple lightweight jQuery plugin, helps you to create your own audio player, playlist and additional features.
Wavesurfer.js is a javascript library to create interactive navigable audio visualization using Web Audio and HTML5 Canvas. With wavesurfer.js you can create a cute HTML5 audio player or a sophisticated DJ application.
Winamp2-js is a reimplementation of Winamp 2.9 in HTML5 and Javascript.
UbaPlayer is a simple jQuery plugin that plays audio natively in modern browsers and uses Flash where native playback is impossible.
Stratus is a jQuery powered SoundCloud player that lives at the bottom (or top) of your website or blog.
SoundCloud is an online audio distribution platform that allows collaboration, promotion and distribution of audio recordings.