gridscrolling.js is a jQuery plugin that layouts HTML5 articles, positioning sections and asides in a grid, allowing easy navigation with cursor keys.
hashTabber is a simple JavaScript plugin for a hashchange-driven tabbed content switcher.
ScrollNaviJs is jQuery plugin for fix navigation on top after scroll second section content, actually navigation fix in bottom of browser when we are in first section content.
Fixed Nav is a responsive, fixed and touch friendly one page navigation with animated scrolling.
ListNav is a jQuery plugin to add a slick "letter-based" navigation bar to all of your lists. Click a letter to quicky filter the list to items that match that letter.
TableNav is a jQuery utility plugin providing navigation with arrow keys in a table with input fields.
jQuery Full Screen Nav plugin makes a <nav>
menu overlay the full screen & calculate a size for links on page load and window resize.
Slinky.js is a jQuery plugin to create beautiful scrolling driven navigation lists with stacking headers that remain visible at all times.
Shifter is a jQuery plugin for simple slide-out mobile navigation. Shifter works by checking for target elements in the DOM and binding events to them.
Some effects for a perspective page view navigation where the page itself gets pushed away in 3D to reveal a menu or other items.
Pushing the site content aside to reveal a navigation has certainly become a trend for mobile navigations. The approach reflects some practices in app design where "views" are shown with animations. Here are small set of effects that take the page and move it in 3D to reveal a navigation.
visualNav is a jQuery plugin that modifies a navigation menu to highlight / change when the menu's target smooth scrolls into view.
Jump To is a jQuery plugin that let you create a smooth jump to sub navigational menu in one JS call. The menu can be used to assist your navigation for pages with a lot of content.
SlickNav is a responsive mobile menu plugin for jQuery.
A tutorial about "Creating Jelly Navigation Menu for Touch Devices" by Smashing Magazine.
PaperJS used for the canvas graphics and TweenJS used for the animations.
A tutorial about "Creating Google Play’s Multi-Level Navigation Menu".
This menu has smooth animation and let users peek at the root-level menu by simply hovering a back button. It's created with using HTML, CSS and jQuery.