Navgoco is a simple jQuery plugin which turns a nested unordered list of links into a beautiful vertical multi-level sliding navigation with options to remember sub-menus visible state between sessions and act as an accordion.
Smint is a simple jQuery plugin that helps with the navigation on one page style websites.
It has 2 main elements, a sticky navigation bar that stays at the top of the page while you scroll down and menu buttons that automatically scroll the page to the section you clicked on.
A simple fullscreen background slideshow with auto-play and controls to navigate and pause.
Flaunt.js is a jQuery script that allows you to create a responsive, nested navigation out the box.
Flaunt was built to overcome responsive design challenges which faced a huge percentage of websites. This challenge was to show nested navigation items on click-demand, without the event taking you through to the page you've pressed.
doubleTapToGo is responsive and touch-friendly dropdown navigation.
The technique consists of three main parts:
jQuery Navobile is a jQuery plugin that makes mobile navigation easy. Navobile uses CSS to apply CSS3 translations, Mobile device detection and fixing the position of nav.
Single.JS is a jQuery plugin that make it easy to create single-page websites to portfolios, presentations and more.
Single.JS offers beautiful animations to transition sections and resizes automatically the images.
Fathom.js is a jQuery-powered JavaScript library that allow you to create presentation slides.
Write your slideshow in HTML, style it with CSS and control it with some jQuery-powered JavaScript. When you're done, Fathom.js even lets you sync the video of your presentation quickly and easily.
Fathom.js comes with mouse, keyboard and scroll bar navigation built in and provides a simple API for creating your own custom interfaces.
scrollNav is a light jQuery plugin that grabs your page's existing content, divides it up into logical sections and builds a customizable scrolling sidebar navigation.
A tutorial on how to create a fullscreen pageflip layout using BookBlock. The idea is to flip the content like book pages and access the pages via a sidebar menu that will slide out from the left.
Windy is a jQuery plugin that allows a rapid navigation through a pile of items using some CSS 3D transforms and transitions. The effect of a continuous navigation flow reminds of a deck of cards or sheets flying away, hence the name.
Hero Carousel is a jQuery carousel plugin with 100% width and previews of next/previous slide. Also it has auto slide functionality.
Here you will create sliding box navigation. The idea is to make a box with the menu item slide out, while a thumbnail pops up. We will also include a submenu box with further links for some of the menu items. The submenu will slide to the left or to the right depending on which menu item we are hovering.