Offside.js is a minimal JavaScript kit without library dependencies to push things off-canvas using just class manipulation. It's goal is to provide a super-lightweight, efficient and customizable way of handling off-canvas menus/elements on modern website and web applications.
hiraku.js is a jQuery plugin to create offcanvas menu.
Ember Burger Menu is an off-canvas sidebar component with a collection of animations and styles using CSS transitions.
OffCanvas is a lightweight, flexible jQuery off-canvas navigation plugin which lets you create fully accessible sidebar or top/bottom sliding (or push) panels with keyboard interactions and ARIA attributes.
Bootstrap Offcanvas is a super simple, easy to use off-canvas navigation menu for Bootstrap.
scotchPanels.js is a jQuery plugin for easily creating off canvas menus, navigations, and other panel types such as images, videos, and iframes.
Scotch Panels are featured-packed and have a ton of different options for every skill-level to tweak and implement into almost any project. It work from any container so you can put your side navigation on any element you want.