Floating UI is a javascript library to position all types of floating elements with full control. Tooltips, popovers, dropdowns, menus, and more.
Tippy.js is a lightweight, pure Javascript tooltip library powered by Popper.js - an awesome positioning library that takes the headache out of positioning all the tooltips nicely.
Bootstrap Modal and Popover examples with animations by using Velocity.js
Here are animation types:
fadeIn, flipXIn, flipYIn, flipBounceXIn, flipBounceYIn, swoopIn, whirlIn, shrinkIn, expandIn, bounceIn, bounceUpIn, bounceDownIn, bounceLeftIn, bounceRightIn, slideUpIn, slideDownIn, slideLeftIn, slideRightIn, slideUpBigIn, slideDownBigIn, slideLeftBigIn, slideRightBigIn, perspectiveUpIn, perspectiveDownIn, perspectiveLeftIn, perspectiveRightIn, shake, tada, swing, bounce, flash, pulse
BootstrapX Clickover provides a Bootstrap extension to allow popovers to be opened and closed with clicks on elements instead of hover or focus.
Popper.js is a library used to create poppers in web applications. Common examples of poppers are tooltips and popovers.
ggpopover.js is a simple jQuery popover plugin extended from Bootstrap’s popover plugin that supports 4 positions, title background color, title font color, title border color, content background color, content text color, arrow color without using images.
Bootstro.js is a tiny javascript library using Bootstrap's popover to help guide your users around. Show your users a guided tour of what is what on a page.
WebUI Popover is a lightweight jQuery popover plugin that enchance the popover plugin of Bootstrap with some awesome new features. It works well with Bootstrap.
Bootstrap Confirmation is a jQuery plugin for Bootstrap that uses Bootstrap Popovers as confirmation dialogs. It's simple and easy.
Bigfoot.js is a simple jQuery plugin that detects footnotes on the page and makes them better. It creates clickable buttons out of the original footnote link and creates a popover when the footnote button is clicked. Finally, the script make sure the popover is appropriately sied and positioned so that it looks great on any screen size.