baguetteBox.js is a simple and easy to use lightbox script in pure JavaScript.
A small, light, responsive Bootstrap Gallery.
A responsive Masonry grid with a gallery view using 3D Transforms. Based on the gallery seen on the Chromebook Getting Started guide by Google.
Image Lightbox is a ascetic, minimalistic, extensible & configurable, responsive and touch-friendly, iOS, Android and Windows Phone compatible lightbox plugin. Silently preloads next image, uses CSS transform and transition, interacts with keyboard.
jQuery.TosRUs plugin is a great lightbox alternative for scrolling/swiping through any kind of content. On a desktop, tablet or smartphone, inside a HTML element or as a lightbox popup. It's responsive by default.
nanoGALLERY is a touch enabled and responsive image gallery with justified, cascading and grid layout. It supports self hosted images and pulling in Flickr, Picasa, Google+ and SmugMug photo albums.
Smoothbox is a simple, lightweight, and responsive jQuery lightbox plugin.
Balanced Gallery is a jQuery plugin that evenly distributes photos across rows or columns, making the most of the space provided. Photos are scaled based on the size of the 'container' element by default, making Balanced Gallery a good choice for responsive websites.
flipLightBox is a free responsive lightbox jQuery plugin that is extremely easy to implement and doesn't require any additional stylesheets, scripts or libraries.
Its main feature is an optional flip effect as each lightbox image opens and closes. Another optional feature is a toggled slide text bar and navigation to accompany the lightbox images.
S Gallery makes use of HTML5's FullScreen API, and relies heavily on CSS3 animations goodness and CSS3 transforms, so it will work only in browsers that support these features.
blueimp Gallery is a touch-enabled, responsive and customizable image & video gallery, carousel and lightbox, optimized for both mobile and desktop web browsers.
It features swipe, mouse and keyboard navigation, transition effects, slideshow functionality, fullscreen support and on-demand content loading and can be extended to display additional content types.
Responsive Thumbnail Gallery is a jQuery plugin for creating image galleries that scale to fit their container.
SuperBox is a new jQuery plugin that takes the whole 'image' and 'lightbox' one step further, reducing the JavaScript and image load dependence to make lightboxing a thing of the past! Using HTML5 data-* attributes, responsive layouts and jQuery.
SuperBox works wonders as a static image gallery, which you can click to reveal a full version of the image.
ResponsiveSlides.js is a tiny jQuery plugin that creates a responsive slider using list items inside <ul>
. It works with wide range of browsers including all IE versions from IE6 and up.
Biggest difference to other responsive slider plugins is the file size (1kb minified and gzipped) + that this one doesn't try to do everything.
Here you ll learn how to create a responsive image gallery with a thumbnail carousel using Elastislide. Inspired by Twitter’s “user gallery” and upon a request to show an integration of Elastislide, we want to implement a responsive gallery that adapts to the view-port width.
The gallery will have a view switch that allows to view it with the thumbnail carousel or without.