Socialight is a Vanilla.js library to get social network share counts of your links. Socialight support Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin, Pinterest and Buffer.
A tutorial about creating social share buttons for your mobile website by using jQuery, HTML5 and CSS. It also support share via WhatsApp.
Sharer.js is a lightweight javascript library to create custom social share components on DOM elements for your website. No dependencies.
goodshare.js is an useful jQuery plugin that will help your website visitors share a link on social networks and microblogs or mobile messengers. Easy to install, SEO friendly, many options for customization of appearance.
Jumbo Share is a jQuery Plugin that add social share buttons on your website with a counter.
Likely is the social sharing buttons that aren't shabby. It supports Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, Pinterest, VKontakte (ВКонтакте), Odnoklassniki (Одноклассники) etc.
jsSocials is a simple social network sharing jQuery plugin. It's flexible and easily extensible. Configure visual appearance. Choose one of several themes provided. Add any yet unsupported social network if needed.
socialShare.js is a jQuery plugin to provide more control on social sharing buttons. Do the styling without worrying about the javascript implementation.
A jQuery plugin to create social media share button with share count.
CSButtons is a jQuery plugin to create sharing buttons with counter for Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Linkedin, Pinterest.
Cool Social Buttons is a jQuery plugin that adds social sharing buttons to your site without slowing it down. It is easy to use, powered by CSS3, mobile friendly and fully customizable.
The plugin has support for Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Tumblr and Pinterest.
jQuery prettySocial is a custom share buttons for Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus.
RRSSB is a solution for responsive social share buttons that you can easily customize it by tweaking a few variables. SVGs allow for tiny file size and retina support.
Simple, light, flexible, and good-looking share button jQuery plugin.
A tutorial about Creating Responsive Share Buttons by using jQuery and CSS.
Advantage of creating own set of share buttons is that, it goes well with your layout, and you don't have to rely on bulky files that are loaded from anonymous servers, which could also slow down the page loading time significantly.