Sticky Navigation Menu with Smooth Scrolling is a basically a template with couple of features like that are invoked on scroll, shrink header, addition of drop shadow.
Smooth scroll feature is also added to logo(scroll top top) and smooth scroll to section on clicking menu item.
Navigation bar that sticks as you scroll, animating a slider which indicates the page section you are currently looking at. Written with SCSS, Javascript, and jQuery.
stickyNavbar.js is a jQuery plugin that helps you stick your navigation bars to the top of the browser window during scrolling. It could stop right here but stickyNavbar.js offers more: you can use your favourite jQuery effects or even fantastic Animate.css library to spice up your navigation.
stickUp is a simple jQuery plugin that allows you to designate an element or navigation menu which will stick to the top of the page once scrolled past, and will return to place when scrolled past the other way.