ax5ui-menu is a simple context menu with jQuery. It can easily and powerfully use in subMenu of menuBar or ContextMenu.
Secondary Sliding Navigation is a bold, secondary menu that slides over the main navigation. This approach can be an alternative to a standard dropdown menu, in particular if you want to emphasise more the sub navigation.
Bootstrap Sub-Menu is a jQuery plugin to create sub-menus for Bootstrap's navbar, dropdown, dropup and pills.
Slight Submenu is a jQuery plugin that manages behavior of submenus and is highly configurable and extensible.
Jump To is a jQuery plugin that let you create a smooth jump to sub navigational menu in one JS call. The menu can be used to assist your navigation for pages with a lot of content.
contextMenu.js is a plugin to create windows like context menu with keyboard ineteraction, different type of inputs, trigger events and much more.
A responsive multi-level menu that shows its submenus in their own context, allowing for a space-saving presentation and usage.
Each sub-level in this menu will be shown in its own context, making the “parent” level disappear. This is done with subtle animations that are defined in separate animation classes. The menu is fluid so that it can be used easily in a responsive layout.
Device Agnostic Approach to Complex Site Navigation with Support for Touch and Keyboard Accessibility
A mobile-first example of using media queries and jQuery to make a decent site menu with drop downs. Special attention is paid to touch screens using click events for tap targets.
Superclick is a jQuery drop-down menu enhancement plugin sharing many of Superfish's features but focusses solely on click events to open and close submenus. This means that links with associated submenus will never be followed, they will simply toggle the visibility of the submenu.
jQuery SooperFish is a mobile & touchscreen friendly drop down menu script. The script supports multi-column sub menus by automatically dividing menus into 2 or 3 columns when the number of items in a sub menu exceeds a configurable limit.