Generic UI Grid is a free jQuery data table plugin. It has many built-in features: editing, sorting, pagination, theming, summaries, column configuration, and many more.
tsorter is a HTML table sorter using javascript with QuickSort algorithm.
This script is an extendable, unobtrusive, and cross-browser compatible way of enhancing almost any type of tabular data.
Tabular creates data backed tables with jQuery. It includes standard table functionality such as sorting, searching, and pagination.
Table Dragger is a minimalist plain Table-dragger is a minimalist plain Javascript library for building reorderable drag-and-drop table.
easyTable allow you to sort, filter and do mutiple ways of select using shift and crtl key, allow to get the data selected easily and customize/extend the plugin.
TinySort is a small script that sorts HTML elements. It sorts by text or attribute value, or by that of one of it's children
Bootstrap Sortable is a javascript plugin to add sorting ability to Bootstrap table.
Tabulator is an easy to use table generation jQuery UI Plugin.
KingTable is a jQuery plugin for administrative tables that are able to build themselves, on the basis of their input data.
It supports client and server side pagination; client and server side search; custom filters views; automatic menu to hide and reorder columns and support for custom tools.
StickySort is a jQuery plugin for adding sticky headers and columns to your tables, complete with an extended sorting function
jQuery DataTables is a powerful plugin that can sort, page, and filter millions of records.
jPList is a flexible jQuery plugin for sorting, pagination and filtering of any HTML structure (DIVs, UL/LI, tables, etc).
bs_grid is a jQuery Datagrid plugin, based on Bootstrap. Advanced row selection, sorting, pagination and filtering. Fully customizable, responsive web design, localization.
Ingrid is an unobtrusive jQuery component that adds datagrid behaviors as column resizing, paging, sorting, row and column styling, and more to your tables.
jQuery Sortable is a flexible, opinionated sorting plugin. It enables items in a list (or table etc.) to be sorted horizontally and vertically using the mouse. Supports nested lists and pure drag/drop containers.
jQuery Sortable does not depend on jQuery UI and works well with Twitter's Bootstrap (You can even sort the Bootstrap navigation).