A tutorial about creating 4 different menu animations for menu button toggle between dots, cross and back icon.
Easy Toggle State is a tiny JavaScript library to easily toggle the state of any HTML element (dropdown, navigation button, tooltip, collapsible panel, lightbox, tabs, switch etc.) and its targets.
footerMenu is a simple and easy jQuery plugin to slide up toggle footer menu when scroll down.
An open-mobile-menu hamburger that turns into close-mobile-menu button with a not-the-same-as-always animation but a quite discreet another one.
jQuery fatNav is a chubby fullscreen menu with nice hamburger toggle.
Bootstrap Switch is a jQuery plugin that turns checkboxes and radio buttons in toggle switches.
Bootstrap Toggle is a highly flexible Bootstrap plugin that converts checkboxes into toggles.
Interactive, accessible toggle switches for the web. Transform checkboxes into toggle switches.
Toggle switches made for the web are often solely constructed to change when clicked or tapped, animating side-to-side as they toggle.
Tabby is a lightweight JavaScript and CSS kit for mobile-first toggle tabs. It's style-light so you can easily modify it to fit your design.
Side Toggle Menu lets you add a side bar menu to your page that slides in from the left or right edge of the browser window. It supports two types of unveiling- either by nudging the rest of the page and making room for itself, or overlaying the page.
CSS3 transitions are used to power the animation, ensuring a smooth visual experience even on low powered mobile devices. And speaking of mobile devices, the menus are adaptive in that it automatically switches to a basic drop down menu using a toggle button at the top of the page when the user's device width is 480px or less.
SlickSwitches is a low-footprint and thus environmentally friendly jQuery plugin that allows you to turn any ordinary boring checkbox on your page into a fantastically well-styled switch, and since the switch takes the place of an ordinary checkbox, it degrades without an issue if JavaScript is not enabled. With it's many possibilities, it's simply lovely.
TabSelect is a plugin to select one or more array or form entries visually, for example to filter a list or replace a multiselect form element.