lory is a touch enabled minimalistic slider written in vanilla JavaScript.
Features :
Slider Pro is a modular, responsive and touch-enabled jQuery slider plugin that enables you to create elegant and professionally looking sliders.
Divas Slider is a versatile jQuery slider, easily and fully customizable. Fully responsive and touch enabled. Uses CSS3 transitions with jQuery fallback for old browsers.
Flickerplate is a lightweight jQuery plugin that lets you flick through content. It's simple to use, fully responsive and touch enabled.
Glide is responsive and touch-friendly jQuery slider. Based on CSS3 transitions with fallback to older broswers. It's simple, lightweight and fast.
Also it has features such as; Swipe event, Arrows and bullets navigation, Keyboard navigation, Autoplay, Pause on hover etc...
RTP.Slider.js is a versatile and flexible slider. Strong support for fluid / responsive Designs, mobile browsers and touch devices. It has nearly every feature that you can find in other sliders on the web.
OWL Carousel is touch enabled jQuery plugin that lets you create beautiful responsive carousel slider.
Ion.ImageSlider is a jQuery image slider with lightbox and skin support.
Swiper is the free and ultra lightweight mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions (where supported) and amazing native behavior. It is intended to use in mobile websites, mobile web apps, and mobile native apps.
Designed mostly for iOS, but also works great on Android, Windows Phone 8 and modern Desktop browsers.
Excolo Slider is simple responsive, touch enabled jQuery slider.
mSlide is simple and easy to use slider-gallery with touch support.
Swipe is lightweight and accurate touch slider.
slideToucher is a touch enabled jQuery plugin for content swiping. Supports vertical and horizontal swipes.