Content Filter is a slide-in filter panel powered by CSS and jQuery. It's easy to customize and integrate.
It takes advantage of CSS Transitions, CSS Transformations and jQuery muscles to smoothly slide in when needed.
A tutorial about creating Expanding Search Bar with jQuery.
A tutorial about how to create a gorgeous, interactive animated pie chart by using HTML5 canvas element, CSS3 and jQuery.
A list of split blocks that reunite on scrolling, simulating a movement along the z-axis with the help of CSS transformations and jQuery.
A tutorial about creating rotating menu on right click using CSS3 transitions and jQuery.
A tutorial about creating good-looking context menu by using jQuery and css.
A tutorial about how to resize and crop images using JavaScript and the HTML5 Canvas element using controls, commonly seen in photo editing applications.
A tutorial about creating responsive accordion by using CSS3 and jQuery. It can be used as a collapsible content slider or as a menu.
A tutorial about hiding header on scroll down and showing it on scroll up. You don't need to scroll top of page for menus on header with this navigation.
A tutorial about building a script that is going to take an ordinary select element, and replace it with a better looking, markup powered version, while keeping all the functionality intact.
A tutorial about creating vertical tabs for Bootstap. It's very easy to use.
A handy tabbed navigation, optimized for mobile devices, with support for both horizontal and vertical menu positioning. It's created by using CSS and jQuery.
A tutorial about reading files line by line in browser using the HTML5 FileReader API and javascript.
A tutorial about how to add an animations to your One Page Scroll plugin projects.
Here are some animations that used on this tutorial
A tutorial on how to re-create the page preloading effect seen on the website of Fontface Ninja. CSS animations, 3D transforms and SVGs used for this tutorial.