Typed.js is a javascript typing animation library. You can enter any text and set speed as you want.
Fade out, Shuffled, Bulk Typing, Smart Backspace effects are available on demo page.
iTyped is a dead simple Javascript animated typing, with no dependencies. iTyped has a tiny size and easy to use.
TypeIt is a lightweight, scalable jQuery animated typing plugin that types single or multiple strings for you.
Letter by Letter JS is a lightweight jQuery plugin to present text letter by letter on a HTML page. This text can appear as if was just being typed, or it can fade in more gently.
TheaterJS is basically a javascript typing effect plugin. Its particularity is to mimic human behavior.
Typer is a jQuery plugin for a slick typing effect. There are some option to customize plugin such as typeSpeed, typerInterval, typeDelay, etc.
TypeType is a jQuery plugin that simulates a human typing. It can be combined with jQuery animations.
Fancy Input is a jQuery plugin that makes typing & deleting in input / Textarea fields exciting with CSS3 effects.
Typist is a jQuery plugin that allows you to animate text as if it were being typed onto the screen. You can add animated typing text to any block element.