css.js is a lightweight, battle tested, fast, css parser in JavaScript. It’s open source.
TableNav is a jQuery utility plugin providing navigation with arrow keys in a table with input fields.
jQuery++ is a MIT licensed collection of extremely useful DOM helpers and special events for jQuery 1.7 and later.
jQuery++ is not a UI project like jQuery UI or jQuery Tools. Instead, jQuery++ is all about providing low-level utilities for things that jQuery doesn’t support.
jurlp is a jQuery URL parser plugin for parsing, manipulating, filtering and monitoring URLs in href and src attributes within arbitrary elements (including document.location.href), as well as creating anchor elements from URLs found in HTML/text.
Decodes serialized form data and populates the form with that data. This method works upon text strings in standard URL-encoded notation, arrays containing objects of name/value pairs or objects containing key/value pairs.
Moment.js is a lightweight javascript date library for parsing, manipulating, and formatting dates.
jQuery Price Format is a plugin to format input text fields as prices. For example, if you type 123456, the plugin updates it to US$ 1,234.56. It is costumizable, so you can use other prefixes and separators (for example, use it to get R$ 1.234,55).