A tutorial how to use HTML, CSS, and vanilla JavaScript to add an accessible theme picker component to a website.
List of 400+ JavaScript interview questions and answers.
FingerprintJS is the most advanced open-source fraud detection JS library. FingerprintJS collects all the unique features from a device/browser passing them through a hash function to provide a unique identifier.
lax.js is a lightweight and simple vanilla javascript plugin to create beautiful and smooth animations when you scroll.
Rallax.js is a Vanilla JS plugin that implements a dynamic parallax scrolling effect, without dependencies.
autoComplete.js is a simple pure javascript library built for speed, high versatility and seamless integration with wide range of projects.
Beer Slider is a lightweight vanilla JavaScript plugin to create before-after slider. It's basic purpose is to compare two versions of an image.
Sal.js (Scroll Animation Library) is a performance focused, lightweight scroll animation library, written in vanilla JavaScript. It's based on the Intersection Observer.
FakeScroll is a lightweight vanilla script for creating nice looking custom scrollbar.
Curtains.js is a lightweight vanilla WebGL javascript library that turns HTML elements into interactive textured planes.
Brusher is a lightweight javascript library to create interactive backgrounds.
A tutorial about how to implement a simple swipe gesture in a couple of lines of JavaScript.
Driver.js is lightweight, no-dependency, vanilla JavaScript engine to drive user's focus across the page with animation or without animation.
VanillaMasker is a simple and pure javascript library to mask your input elements. It's a cross-browser and cross-device library.
Charming is a vanilla javascript library as Lettering.js jQuery plugin. Optionally change the inserted DOM element (defaults to span
), or change or remove the class prefix (defaults to char