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Unite Gallery – Responsive jQuery Gallery Plugin

October 09, 2016     3715     Gallery Responsive
Unite Gallery – Responsive jQuery Gallery Plugin

Unite Gallery is a responsive jQuery image and video gallery plugin. This gallery is very powerfull, fast and has the most of nowdays must have features like responsiveness, touch enabled and even zoom feature, it's unique effect.


  • The gallery plays VIDEO from: Youtube, Vimeo, HTML5, Wistia and SoundCloud (not a video but still )
  • Responsive - fits to every screen with automatic ratio preserve
  • Touch Enabled - Every gallery parts can be controlled by the touch on touch enabled devices
  • Responsive - The gallery can fit every screen size, and can respond to a screen size change.
  • Skinnable - Allow to change skin with ease in different css file without touching main gallery css.
  • Themable - The gallery has various of themes, each theme has it's own options and features, but it uses gallery core objects
  • Zoom Effect - The gallery has unique zoom effect that could be applied within buttons, mouse wheel or pinch gesture on touch - enabled devices
  • Gallery Buttons - The gallery has buttons on it, like full screen or play/pause that optimized for touch devidces access
  • Keyboard controls - The gallery could be controlled by keyboard (left, right arrows)
  • Tons of options. The gallery has huge amount of options for every gallery object that make the customization process easy and fun.
  • Powerfull API - using the gallery API you can integrate the gallery into your website behaviour and use it with another items like lightboxes etc.

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