Slideout.js is a touch slideout navigation menu for your mobile web apps.
Bootstrap Offcanvas is a super simple, easy to use off-canvas navigation menu for Bootstrap.
Secondary Sliding Navigation is a bold, secondary menu that slides over the main navigation. This approach can be an alternative to a standard dropdown menu, in particular if you want to emphasise more the sub navigation.
A full page menu, that replaces the current content by pushing it off the screen.
A tutorial about creating Multilevel Toggle (accordion) Responsive Navigation Menu using jQuery.
The multi-toggle responsive navigation on smaller screens is similar to nested accordions, the user touches primary level parent item to reveal list under it and when the screen is big enough vertical toggle menu changes to horizontal drop down navigation.
cbFlyout is a jQuery plugin to create responsive off-screen navigation concept.
A tutorial about creating rotating menu on right click using CSS3 transitions and jQuery.
An interesting pull menu interaction concept. Just pull down and release to jump between pages.
A 3D rotating navigation, powered by CSS transformations and jQuery.
A tutorial about creating good-looking context menu by using jQuery and css.
Bootstrap Sub-Menu is a jQuery plugin to create sub-menus for Bootstrap's navbar, dropdown, dropup and pills.
jQuery.UI-contextmenu is a jQuery plugin that turns a jQueryUI menu widget into a context menu.
element or definition listMenuItems is a dynamic jQuery menu plugin that lets you create beautiful and responsive navigation widgets.
Material Menu is a jQuery plugin that creates an responsive menu on website.
Mega-Site Navigation is a responsive and easy to customize navigation for mega-sites, enriched by subtle CSS animations and support for devices with javascript disabled.