fuzzysearch is a tiny and blazing-fast fuzzy search in JavaScript. Fuzzy searching allows for flexibly matching a string with partial input, useful for filtering data very quickly based on lightweight user input.
Super Simple Slider (SSS) is a flexible and lightweight jQuery slider with super simple to set up.
Awesomplete is an ultra lightweight, customizable, simple autocomplete widget with zero dependencies, built with modern standards for modern browsers.
wysiwyg.js is a lightweight content editable jQuery editor which works with legacy browsers.
A lightweight library for performing spotlight in your DOM elements, setting an animated overlay to the rest of the page.
jQuery.dragmove is a lightweight jQuery extension for enabling draggable functionality on DOM elements without requiring the jQuery UI library. Compatible with trackpads, touch devices, and standard computer mice.
Particles.js is a lightweight javascript library for creating particles.
Tag Editor is a powerful and lightweight tag editor plugin for jQuery.
Lighterbox is a lighterweight and customizable jQuery lightbox gallery plugin. A simple plugin supporting modern mobile and desktop browsers to minimize configuration and hacky code.
Hammer.js is a open-source javascript library that can recognize gestures made by touch, mouse and pointerEvents. It doesn't have any dependencies, and it's lightweight.
a11yTree is a very lightweight and uninvasive jQuery plugin that transforms an HTML tree of nested unorded lists into an expanding and collapsing tree that's universally accessible.
way.js is a simple, lightweight, persistent, framework-agnostic javascript library that allows you to bind DOM elements to an in-memory datastore.
heatmap.js is a javascript library for HTML5 canvas based heatmaps. It's lightweight and most advanced heatmap visualization library on the web.
Countable is a JavaScript function to add live paragraph-, word- and character-counting to an HTML element. Countable is a zero-dependency library and comes in at 1KB when minified and gzipped.
Bonsai is a lightweight jQuery plugin that takes a big nested list and prunes it down to a small expandable tree control.
Also includes support for checkboxes (including 'indeterminate' state) and for populating the tree using a JSON data source.