A simple template to showcase your application features through a smooth 3d animation, powered by CSS and jQuery.
Vivus is a little JavaScript class to make drawing animation with SVGs in a webpage. Different animations are available, even scripting the entire SVG to do whatever you want.
Walkway.js a javascript library to animate SVG images consisting of line and path elements in an easy way.
jQuery Counter Animation is a bar animation created by using jQuery and data attributes.
ProgressBar.js is a beautiful and responsive progress bars with animated SVG paths.
With ProgressBar.js, it's easy to create arbitrary shaped progress bars. This library provides a few built-in shapes like Line, Circle and Square but you can also create your own progress bars with Illustrator or any vector graphic editor.
An experimental full-screen navigation, animated using CSS and jQuery, that expands within a circle. It’s supported by all major browsers.
3D page fullscreen animated transition with CSS3 and jQuery.
Bounce.js is a javascript library that lets you create beautiful CSS3 powered animations. Here are some of animation that you can do with bounce.js: scale, rotate, translate, skew etc.
Impulse is a library for building dynamic physics based interactions, with a focus on mobile web.
Rather than animating properties for a set amount of time, impulse takes a start position, end position, and velocity.
Yhere are some examples of this library such as Chat Heads, pulldownMenu, Inertia Scroll, Oridomi Cover, Bouncy Scrolling.
Animsition is a simple and easy jQuery plugin used to add page transition on css animations.
Animated css boxes are can be used for multiple purposes, for example notifications, beauty and general use. There are six different animations used with great care in order to maintain awesome interface.
A tutorial about how to add an animations to your One Page Scroll plugin projects.
Here are some animations that used on this tutorial
RippleButtons.js is a tiny standalone library for adding ripple animations to your website
Slideout Menu is an elegant jQuery-powered animated slideout menu. You can use it as a top menu, as well as a right-side menu.
jQlouds is a jQuery plugin that let's you create clouds on the fly. There are some options to customize plugin.